Thursday, September 23, 2010

Voice Over Talent on Twitter

The social networking giant, Twitter, continues to mystify some and make money for others. Heck, even the money-makers are mystified. Yet the ones who have tackled the site head-on continue to bring in revenue in their desired fields - and voice-over talent is no exception. Are you on Twitter? Have you signed up and then abandons the account after two "tweets" citing an excuse of something like, "I just don't get it" or "it's a waste of time"?

The Internet is an amazing thing, and some voice talents still don't grasp the plethora of knowledge just waiting to be found ... when you ask the right questions. All of the social networking sites are connected. We're only going to talk about Twitter in this article, but by using once you will learn how to use the others!

Spend just one hour on Twitter and you'll begin to see the enormous potential. Don't know what to talk about? Just be yourself! Make jokes, ask questions, and talk about your everyday life -- both personal and business.

As voice talent, we're not always selling our voices - we're selling ourselves, as people. When we're real and interactive, people will respond, and will want to "follow" you in the Twitter world. Even if you don't have a lot of followers, you can still find jobs - again, just use the search engine for the site! If you're searching for VO jobs anywhere else, you already know how to use a search engine. Step outside your comfort zone for one hour and see what happens.

Visit our twitter at :
Written by Trish1
Listen to Trish1's demo here

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Voice Over Industry

Great VO Industry Story:

A professional VO walked in the studio and laid down the perfect read in the first take. The client exclaimed, "We paid him $400 for one take?!" To which the producer replied, "That's why you paid him $400.